Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
LILY TOMLINMan invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
LILY TOMLINWe are all in this together, by ourselves.
LILY TOMLINThe trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
LILY TOMLINThe phone company handles 84 billion calls a year-everything from kings, queens, and presidents to the scum of the earth.
LILY TOMLINCreating characters is just another way to express a type and put that type to use.
LILY TOMLINI worry about kids today – because of the sexual revolution, they’re going to grow up and never know what “dirty” means.
LILY TOMLINI feel some part of me can wake up and be very existential and the next day wake up and be sort of in love with the universe.
LILY TOMLINYou are what you think, geez, that’s frightening.
LILY TOMLINInstead of working for the survival of the fittest, we should be working for the survival of the wittiest – then we can all die laughing.
LILY TOMLINDoes your mind feel more and more like teflon? Nothing sticks to it?
LILY TOMLINWhen we speak to God, we call it prayer; when God speaks back, we call it psychosis!
LILY TOMLINI think life is perverse. It can be beautiful, but it won’t.
LILY TOMLINWhat I appreciate is acknowledging to the audience that I think they have brains.
LILY TOMLINIf beauty is truth, why don’t women go to the library to have their hair done?
LILY TOMLINIt’s a more ridiculing, divisive humor today.
LILY TOMLINLanguage was invented because of the deep human need to complain.