I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.
MITSKIWhen I record, it’s this very precious and insular thing.
More Mitski Quotes
I think what’s hard for me is not that I don’t get downtime to chill, it’s that I don’t get time to make music.
When you’re an adult, things mellow out. I think when you’re a teenager and you are sad and the world is ending, everything is about that one sadness.
I actually love the summer. When I went to Miami on tour, I was actually like, ‘I love this place.’
I feel like I’ve always wanted to live in one place and stay in one place, but I always end up choosing things that make me travel.
I’ve been very careful to always make clear that I am a real person. That’s why I’m on social media a lot.
In my first few years of being in New York, I had a major identity crisis because I’d never stayed in one place for so long.
I remember I took a music course in junior year of high school, and some girl brought in ‘Teardrops On My Guitar,’ and she was like, ‘Isn’t this song great?’ And everyone was like, ‘Who’s Taylor Swift?’ And now, every time I listen to Taylor Swift, I remember that moment.
When I started making music, I was like, ‘This is something I can believe I was meant to do.’
I don’t care about making anything new. I make music to express an emotion, and if the emotion is nostalgic, so be it.
On tour, people know that if they ever ask me what I want to eat, I will always say Asian food. I’m becoming a stereotype, but it’s what I want to eat. I want to eat rice.
When someone is a musician – trying to make a living off being a public figure – it’s really easy for people to see me as a face on a screen that doesn’t have a personal life.
Pop artists work really hard, and they might not work for the same things that indie artists do, but they’re still musicians, and they’re still making art.
I’ve stopped wanting a home, I think, because I’ve been on tour all my life, basically.
I think growing up the way I did has made me a lot more objective, and that’s important in the process of writing and trying to look at subjective matter that way.
I’m punk, but I love gold.