I think it’s our responsibility as artists to not only fight for our art but fight for the communities that are the reason we’re able to continue making art, especially since, in Brooklyn’s case, we as artists somehow made it ‘cool’ enough for the bigger money-making industries to start taking over.
MITSKII tend to not want to do that anymore. It’s not even that I don’t like it anymore: it’s that I keep trying to find ways for people to dislike me.
More Mitski Quotes
What I have a problem with is when it becomes another form of tokenization, of shrinking me into a symbol instead of a multilayered, female Asian artist.
If I ever found a place where I belonged, that in itself would be an identity crisis to me.
I don’t think I’m alone in this: I’m obsessed with trying to not only be happy but maintain happiness, but my definition of happiness is skewed more towards ecstasy rather than contentment.
There’s this myth that women are supposed to compete with each other or something, or we’re supposed to hate each other, and that’s totally not productive.
I guess you can say I ‘do the Twist.’ I like playful dance moves that aren’t too serious.
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.
I don’t set out to write something. I more just write, and later on, I discover what it’s about.
I can’t read in a car, because I’ll get sick. It’s almost instant.
I think people don’t realize how little of being an artist is making art.
Tour isn’t good for writing, but it’s good for inspiration.
It’s nice to know there’s a big world with many perspectives. I tend to get so stuck in my own small world easily, and going out into the world reminds me that I’m not the center of the world – in a good way.
I try to be regimented and try to stay healthy and work out and eat properly and go to sleep. And not get too caught up in the industry in my regular life, so I can save all my expression and energy for my art.
I know for a fact that I’m problematic. I shouldn’t be looked to for any kind of guidance.
Music was the one thing that was just mine, and no one could take it from me. I created it, dictated it, and it made me not able to let go of it.
I think my real influences are out of my control, which are the things that entered my brain when I was a kid growing up.