
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes when you are enjoying yourself, unknown to you, trouble is brewing in the background. Sometimes when you are enjoying yourself, unknown to you, trouble is brewing in the background.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Do not try to carry out two tasks at the same time. Do not try to carry out two tasks at the same time.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You may think that you are getting away with your misdeeds, but one day you will be caught. You may think that you are getting away with your misdeeds, but one day you will be caught.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - People will not respect you if you have a bad reputation. People will not respect you if you have a bad reputation.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you put little effort in a task you can expect very little success. If you put little effort in a task you can expect very little success.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You must attempt something only when all aspects seem clear. You must attempt something only when all aspects seem clear.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you make a decision you must be prepared to abide with the consequences. When you make a decision you must be prepared to abide with the consequences.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Although you tend to be ignored for the wrong things you do, you still have your conscience to deal with. Although you tend to be ignored for the wrong things you do, you still have your conscience to deal with.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When there is trouble, enemies are sometimes forced to get together to solve problems. When there is trouble, enemies are sometimes forced to get together to solve problems.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Everybody has to learn and find out what is good for himself or herself. Everybody has to learn and find out what is good for himself or herself.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You should not go against the decision or choice of a person you feel is qualified to make the right choice. You should not go against the decision or choice of a person you feel is qualified to make the right choice.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Every little bit adds up. Every little bit adds up.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes when you are enjoying yourself, unknown to you, trouble is brewing in the background. Sometimes when you are enjoying yourself, unknown to you, trouble is brewing in the background.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes when you think you are safe, danger is lurking nearby. Sometimes when you think you are safe, danger is lurking nearby.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If a person’s head is big it is not necessarily brainy. If a person’s head is big it is not necessarily brainy.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people take out their anger on those who are nearby but have nothing to do with it. Some people take out their anger on those who are nearby but have nothing to do with it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You should not tell everything. Room should be left to others to find out some things for themselves. You should not tell everything. Room should be left to others to find out some things for themselves.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - A source of enjoyment is always available where it was once found. A source of enjoyment is always available where it was once found.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you feel that you do not belong somewhere you should not go there. Also, if you are unable to do something, you should not do it. If you feel that you do not belong somewhere you should not go there. Also, if you are unable to do something, you should not do it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - In life it is difficult for you to relate to someone who may be unfriendly or hostile. In life it is difficult for you to relate to someone who may be unfriendly or hostile.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You reap what you sow. You reap what you sow.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If someone close to you says something about you it is most likely true. If someone close to you says something about you it is most likely true.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Those who are leading can see the danger ahead and are in a position to give advice. Those who are leading can see the danger ahead and are in a position to give advice.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You must not curse the place that you have come from, because sometime in the future you may have to return there. You must not curse the place that you have come from, because sometime in the future you may have to return there.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you waste your money it would be finished very quickly. If you waste your money it would be finished very quickly.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some things take a long time to be completed. Some things take a long time to be completed.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When a man is courting a woman, he is very concerned, kind and considerate, but when the novelty of the relationship is over, he finds faults and is unkind. When a man is courting a woman, he is very concerned, kind and considerate, but when the novelty of the relationship is over, he finds faults and is unkind.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Only time can make you what you will be. Only time can make you what you will be.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - After you have eaten and drunken much you tend to become lazy. After you have eaten and drunken much you tend to become lazy.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - A spell of misfortune causes our whole outlook to be bleak. The smallest incident can cause us to feel hurt. A spell of misfortune causes our whole outlook to be bleak. The smallest incident can cause us to feel hurt.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Having achieved a goal, it is difficult to retain it. Having achieved a goal, it is difficult to retain it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - It is assumed that a woman talks very much, but a man talks less and quickly resorts to violence. It is assumed that a woman talks very much, but a man talks less and quickly resorts to violence.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you do not have the necessary expertise or tools for a job, it is better not to bother with it. If you do not have the necessary expertise or tools for a job, it is better not to bother with it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You should not try to position yourself everywhere or in everything. You should not try to position yourself everywhere or in everything.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You can hurt a person by what you say as if you literally bite him. You can hurt a person by what you say as if you literally bite him.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - It does not matter if you are annoyed with conditions at work, you have to return to your job. Similarly, although you may be frustrated with the situation in your homeland, you may still have to return to it. It does not matter if you are annoyed with conditions at work, you have to return to your job. Similarly, although you may be frustrated with the situation in your homeland, you may still have to return to it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Things seem worse than they really are when we are afraid. Things seem worse than they really are when we are afraid.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Good and evil come from the same source. Good and evil come from the same source.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes you think that what you do or say nobody sees or hears, but yet your secrets are known. Sometimes you think that what you do or say nobody sees or hears, but yet your secrets are known.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - In life you cannot make any kind of progress if you do not take risks. Also, the first steps must be made. In life you cannot make any kind of progress if you do not take risks. Also, the first steps must be made.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You must see for yourself before you talk. You must see for yourself before you talk.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you are small you are insignificant, but when you become big you are strong and important. When you are small you are insignificant, but when you become big you are strong and important.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When a mother is around, she keeps the family together, but when she dies the members of the family tend to scatter. When a mother is around, she keeps the family together, but when she dies the members of the family tend to scatter.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Every life comes to an end sooner or later. Every life comes to an end sooner or later.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When a great man falls, he is no longer feared and respected. When a great man falls, he is no longer feared and respected.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Only after experiencing trials and crises in life can a person’s true self be known. Only after experiencing trials and crises in life can a person’s true self be known.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - The same manner in which you treats your child, you should treat another’s. The same manner in which you treats your child, you should treat another’s.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - A matter may not concern someone, yet he or she gets involved. A matter may not concern someone, yet he or she gets involved.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - There are places where you can play an important part, but here are other places where you can be insignificant. There are places where you can play an important part, but here are other places where you can be insignificant.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you are young you carry much burden, but as you get old you can take on only little responsibility. When you are young you carry much burden, but as you get old you can take on only little responsibility.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Be grateful for favors from anyone because someday you may need another. Be grateful for favors from anyone because someday you may need another.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When two powerful people meet to discuss business, everybody else must know his place. When two powerful people meet to discuss business, everybody else must know his place.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - A member of your family may turn delinquent but that does not mean that you must disown him or refuse to help him. A member of your family may turn delinquent but that does not mean that you must disown him or refuse to help him.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes when a person dies others will cry not so much in sorrow but in joy for the expected inheritance. Sometimes when a person dies others will cry not so much in sorrow but in joy for the expected inheritance.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - There is an opportunity for everyone and you must try to grasp it. There is an opportunity for everyone and you must try to grasp it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - To fill a need you make do with anything at hand. To fill a need you make do with anything at hand.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - It is no use crying over a mishap. It is no use crying over a mishap.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You have to take risks when you attempt new ventures. You have to take risks when you attempt new ventures.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Giving up your advantages places you in a losing position. Giving up your advantages places you in a losing position.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Every story has two sides. Every story has two sides.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When one member of the family is hurt all others feel it. When one member of the family is hurt all others feel it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you have a need, you grasp at everything that fulfills it. If you have a need, you grasp at everything that fulfills it.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You cannot judge everything from the outside. You cannot judge everything from the outside.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Children learn bad habits from their parents. Children learn bad habits from their parents.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Just because someone smiles with you doesn’t mean that you are friends. Just because someone smiles with you doesn’t mean that you are friends.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Your secrets are spread from best friend to best friend to best friend. Your secrets are spread from best friend to best friend to best friend.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Good things do not come easily. Good things do not come easily.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You should not always take things by their looks. You should not always take things by their looks.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people talk kindly to you but they are capable of hurting you. Some people talk kindly to you but they are capable of hurting you.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - What you boast about yourself may not necessarily be true. What you boast about yourself may not necessarily be true.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Do not jump into a venture before you make sure that it is worthy. Do not jump into a venture before you make sure that it is worthy.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Sometimes when you make yourself too kind your friends and associates will take advantage. Sometimes when you make yourself too kind your friends and associates will take advantage.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You should be always prepared for disappointment or trouble. You should be always prepared for disappointment or trouble.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - It is not everything you must take at face value. It is not everything you must take at face value.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you tell a friend a secret soon everyone knows because your friend will tell another friend. When you tell a friend a secret soon everyone knows because your friend will tell another friend.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - See for yourself and form your own conclusions instead of relying on the reports of others. See for yourself and form your own conclusions instead of relying on the reports of others.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Don’t try to over do something, keep it simple. Don’t try to over do something, keep it simple.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people will never change their ways and attitude. Some people will never change their ways and attitude.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - We are quick to use ignorance as an excuse for our mistakes. We are quick to use ignorance as an excuse for our mistakes.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some happenings cannot be changed or reversed. Some happenings cannot be changed or reversed.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people make use of things and people and then carelessly discard them. Some people make use of things and people and then carelessly discard them.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - You spend a lifetime trying to acquire knowledge and understanding, and when it seems that all has been grasped, life ends. You spend a lifetime trying to acquire knowledge and understanding, and when it seems that all has been grasped, life ends.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - In life you learn from everybody and everything in the environment in which you find yourself. In life you learn from everybody and everything in the environment in which you find yourself.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - If you persevere you can make great accomplishments. If you persevere you can make great accomplishments.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you are good at a job you are expected to perform just as well without the necessary tools and support. When you are good at a job you are expected to perform just as well without the necessary tools and support.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you work hard and achieve something in life, you are not happy if it is taken away by others. When you work hard and achieve something in life, you are not happy if it is taken away by others.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Lazy people wear out their pants and get nothing done. Lazy people wear out their pants and get nothing done.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Vexation will cure a problematic situation. Vexation will cure a problematic situation.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Things do not always turn out to be what you expect them to be. Things do not always turn out to be what you expect them to be.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - When you are made to feel ashamed, you wish you could disappear from the public’s eye. When you are made to feel ashamed, you wish you could disappear from the public’s eye.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people may seem friendly and understanding but to your surprise it is not really so. Some people may seem friendly and understanding but to your surprise it is not really so.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - Some people do all the hard work but others benefit in the end. Some people do all the hard work but others benefit in the end.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - A little evidence can tell the whole story. A little evidence can tell the whole story.
  • Guyanese Proverb Quote - While enjoying yourself look out for things that can threaten you. While enjoying yourself look out for things that can threaten you.