The whole ‘grunge-girl’ comparisons certainly are the easiest to pick out, and I appreciate that music journalists are rushed.
MITSKII have this thing about being acknowledged and accepted by institutions.
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I think it’s our responsibility as artists to not only fight for our art but fight for the communities that are the reason we’re able to continue making art, especially since, in Brooklyn’s case, we as artists somehow made it ‘cool’ enough for the bigger money-making industries to start taking over.
When I started making music, I was like, ‘This is something I can believe I was meant to do.’
I think it’s very dangerous as an artist to be comfortable.
It’s nice to know there’s a big world with many perspectives. I tend to get so stuck in my own small world easily, and going out into the world reminds me that I’m not the center of the world – in a good way.
In my first few years of being in New York, I had a major identity crisis because I’d never stayed in one place for so long.
Things seem to take so much longer for me to do. I have to say things 10 times instead of once. I have to knock on 10 different doors instead of two. For everything.
When you’re an adult, things mellow out. I think when you’re a teenager and you are sad and the world is ending, everything is about that one sadness.
I don’t think I have the kind of creativity to write fiction.
A lot of musicians talk about how they were into music from the start; they always wanted to be musicians. It wasn’t like that for me. I didn’t think of it as a job or a career – it was just something that was constant.
What I have a problem with is when it becomes another form of tokenization, of shrinking me into a symbol instead of a multilayered, female Asian artist.
I think people don’t realize how little of being an artist is making art.
Being an outsider at all times is both unhealthy and useful, because you become much more objective about things.
On tour, I don’t drink, because I don’t think in any other job you are supposed to get to work and drink whisky.
I was one of those girls people called ‘intense.’
On one hand, I think it’s very important to talk about race and talk about gender, because if it’s not talked about, then we won’t progress.