The mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meet her demands.
HENRY CLOUDRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
The mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meet her demands.
HENRY CLOUDA culture is like an immune system. It operates through the laws of systems, just like a body. If a body has an infection, the immune system deals with it. Similarly, a group enforces its norms, either actively or passively.
HENRY CLOUDIn a very real way, ownership is the essence of leadership. When you are ridiculously in charge, then you own whatever happens in a company, school.
HENRY CLOUDDating is primarily a numbers game. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.
HENRY CLOUDBeing right can never compete with doing well.
HENRY CLOUDWhen leaders lead in ways that people’s brains can follow, good results follow as well.
HENRY CLOUDThe extent to which two people in a relationship can bring up and resolve issues is a critical marker of the soundness of a relationship.
HENRY CLOUDTo grow, we need things that we do not have and cannot provide, and we need to have a source of those things who looks favorably upon us and who does things for us for our own good.
HENRY CLOUDIn the end, as a leader, you are always going to get a combination of two things: what you create and what you allow.
HENRY CLOUDThe sad thing is that many of us come to Christ because we are sinners, and then spend the rest of our lives trying to pretend that we are not!
HENRY CLOUDBoundaries are basically about providing structure, and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.
HENRY CLOUDLove can only exist where freedom and responsibility are operating.
HENRY CLOUDValues are sometimes worth living and dying for, and are certainly worth dating and breaking up over.
HENRY CLOUDEndings are a part of life, and we are actually wired to execute them. But because of trauma, developmental failures, and other reasons, we shy away from the steps that could open up whole new worlds of development and growth.
HENRY CLOUDA person who hasn’t grieved a significant loss has unfinished business inside and can cause others great grief as a result.
HENRY CLOUDEverything has seasons, and we have to be able to recognize when something’s time has passed and be able to move into the next season. Everything that is alive requires pruning as well, which is a great metaphor for endings.