The natural response to evaluation is to feel judged. We have to mature to a place where we respond to it with gratitude, and love feedback.
HENRY CLOUDRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
The natural response to evaluation is to feel judged. We have to mature to a place where we respond to it with gratitude, and love feedback.
HENRY CLOUDLove can only exist where freedom and responsibility are operating.
HENRY CLOUDSome goals are not going to fulfill you. Choose goals that you value and care about.
HENRY CLOUDSuccessful people stick to what they are good at and find ways to make that larger.
HENRY CLOUDThe amount of truth a relationship can handle is proportional to the amount of perceived love that’s present.
HENRY CLOUDWe change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.
HENRY CLOUDDating is a place to practice how to relate to other people.
HENRY CLOUDEncourage literally came from “in courage.” The courage is put “into” you from outside. Our character and abilities grow through internalizing from others what we do not possess in ourselves.
HENRY CLOUDFaith goes beyond reason. It goes beyond what you can see. But it is as real as anything you can touch or feel.
HENRY CLOUDDating should be a part of your life, not your life a part of dating. There is more to life than finding a date.
HENRY CLOUDWhatever’s happening today, remember it is only ONE SCENE in a long movie. Don’t treat it like it’s the whole story. Keep writing the story.
HENRY CLOUDBeing right can never compete with doing well.
HENRY CLOUDIt is true that you get what you tolerate.
HENRY CLOUDA leader’s responsibility is to cause a vision and mission to have tangible results in the real world.
HENRY CLOUDLeadership is not taken, it is given. People give leadership to those that they trust. They allow people that they trust to have influence over their lives.
HENRY CLOUDYou will not grow without attempting to do things you are unable to do.