And as long as you’re subject to birth and death, you’ll never attain enlightenment.
BODHIDHARMAThe Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting. The Way has no form or sound. It’s subtle and hard to perceive. It’s like when you drink water: you know how hot or cold it is, but you can’t tell others.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
Our true buddha-nature has no shape. And the dust of affliction has no form.
Unless you see your nature, all this talk about cause & effect is nonsense. Buddhas don’t practice nonsense.
And the Buddha is the person who’s free: free of plans, free of cares.
Regardless of what we do, our karma has no hold on us.
To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.
The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.
Externally keep yourself away from all relationships, and internally have no pantings in your heart; when your mind is like unto a straight-standing wall, you may enter into the Path.
All Buddhas preach emptiness. Why? Because they wish to crush the concrete ideas of the students. If a student even clings to an idea of emptiness, he betrays all Buddhas.
To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature.
To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings.
An Awakened person is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad.
If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won’t see the Buddha.
Those who worship don’t know, and those who know don’t worship.
Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free, even of birth and death. You’ll transform everything.
Whoever realizes that the six senses aren’t real, that the five aggregates are fictions, that no such things can be located anywhere in the body, understands the language of Buddhas.