As mortals, we’re ruled by conditions, not by ourselves.
BODHIDHARMAThe Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting. The Way has no form or sound. It’s subtle and hard to perceive. It’s like when you drink water: you know how hot or cold it is, but you can’t tell others.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.
To see nothing is to perceive the Way, and to understand nothing is to know the Dharma, because seeing is neither seeing nor not seeing, and because understanding is neither understanding nor not understanding.
If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won’t see the Buddha.
The mind is the Buddha, and the Buddha is the mind.
To enter by reason means to realize the essence through instruction and to believe that all living things share the same true nature, which isn’t apparent because it’s shrouded by sensation and delusion.
Someone who seeks the Way doesn’t look beyond himself.
People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something, always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons.
Don’t hate life and death or love life and death. Keep your every thought free of delusion, and in life you’ll witness the beginning of nirvana, and in death you’ll experience the assurance of no rebirth.
The ultimate Truth is beyond words. Doctrines are words. They’re not the Way.
When you don’t understand, you depend on reality. When you do understand, reality depends on you.
Buddha means awareness, the awareness of body and mind that prevents evil from arising in either.
Worship means reverence and humility it means revering your real self and humbling delusions.
Worship means reverence and humility. It means revering your real self and humbling delusions. If you can wipe out evil desires and harbor good thoughts, even if nothing shows, it’s worship. Such form is its real form.
Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free, even of birth and death. You’ll transform everything.
Everything good and bad comes from your own mind. To find something beyond the mind is impossible.