Without the mind there is no Buddha. Without the Buddha there’s no mind.
BODHIDHARMAThe Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting. The Way has no form or sound. It’s subtle and hard to perceive. It’s like when you drink water: you know how hot or cold it is, but you can’t tell others.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
Delusion means mortality. And awareness means Buddhahood.
The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.
To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity.
Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha…. Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation.
As long as you’re enthralled by a lifeless form, you’re not free.
All Buddhas preach emptiness. Why? Because they wish to crush the concrete ideas of the students. If a student even clings to an idea of emptiness, he betrays all Buddhas.
This one life has no form and is empty by nature. If you become attached by any form, you should reject it. If you see an ego, a soul, a birth, or a death, reject them all.
In order to see a fish you must watch the water
If your mind is pure, all buddha-lands are pure.
If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won’t see the Buddha.
Buddha means awareness, the awareness of body and mind that prevents evil from arising in either.
According to the Sutras, evil deeds result in hardships and good deeds result in blessings.
If you use your mind to study reality, you won’t understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you’ll understand both.
As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you’ll never see that your own mind is the Buddha
Those who worship don’t know, and those who know don’t worship.