A fool and his money get a lot of publicity.
AL BERNSTEINA fool and his money get a lot of publicity.
AL BERNSTEINTo the victor belong the responsibilities.
AL BERNSTEINSuccess is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction.
AL BERNSTEINBetween the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.
AL BERNSTEINAdolescence is a period of rapid changes.
AL BERNSTEINSpring being a tough act to follow, God created June.
AL BERNSTEINWe treat this world of ours as though we have a spare in the trunk.
AL BERNSTEINIf you want to recapture your youth, just cut off his allowance.
AL BERNSTEINBeauty is in the eye of the beholder. Should the beholder have poor eyesight, he can ask the nearest person which girls look good.
AL BERNSTEINThe voice of experience keeps its mouth shut.
AL BERNSTEINBeauty is in the hand of the beer holder. Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.
AL BERNSTEINIf I were the commissioner of all sports media I would issue an immediate ban on three-person announcing teams on telecasts of live sporting events. In almost all cases three is one voice too many.
AL BERNSTEINSometimes the fool who rushes in gets the job done.
AL BERNSTEINEven more exasperating than the guy who thinks he knows it all is the one who really does.