When you get out of the driver’s seat, you find that life can drive itself, that actually life has always been driving itself. When you get out of the driver’s seat, it can drive itself so much easier-it can flow in ways you never imagined.
ADYASHANTILove causes us to be deeply connected in an unspoken way. It happens when we’re really available, really open.
More Adyashanti Quotes
True intelligence does not derive from thought. True intelligence uses thought.
At a certain point we need to grow up; we need to look inside ourselves for our inner guidance. There are things most human beings know; they just don’t want to know them.
All is always well even when it seems unbelievably unwell.
You’re willing to realize that maybe everything you’ve ever thought about yourself really isn’t true.
Ego is neither positive nor negative. Those are simply concepts that create more boundaries. Ego is just ego, and the disaster of it all is that you, as a spiritual seeker, have been conditioned to think of the ego as bad, as an enemy, as something to be destroyed.
When the eternal and the human meet, that’s where love is born — not through escaping our humanity or trying to disappear into transcendence, but through finding that place where they come into union.
The mind may accept or deny that you are awareness, but either way it can’t really understand. It cannot comprehend. Thought cannot comprehend what is beyond thought.
We are birthed into sangha, into sacred community. It is called the world.
There is profound responsibility in being Love… more than the mind could imagine or hold up under. If most human beings truly realized the impact that they have on the whole, they’d be crushed by the realization of it.
It authenticates itself. Something inside us knows. This…is what has been sought for, longed for, looked for. This is it. Usually, it’s not what we expected.
In silence a question has great power, because in silence a question will always lead you deeper into your experience. If there is no grounding in silence, a spiritual question is going to lead you into your mind.
The most challenging thing for the spiritual seeker to do is to stop struggling.
Doubt is always accompanied by a pervasive cynicism that unconsciously puts a negative spin on whatever it touches.
A spiritual teaching is a finger pointing toward Reality; it is not Reality itself. To be in a true and mature relationship with a spiritual teaching requires you to apply it, not simply believe in it.
This awake silence is available to anyone in this moment. All you have to do is stop using your mind to look for it. It doesn’t know where to find it.