I’ve been asked whether I have a hobby, and have felt strangely offended that anyone would assume I have the time.
MITSKII’ve been very careful to always make clear that I am a real person. That’s why I’m on social media a lot.
More Mitski Quotes
When I record, it’s this very precious and insular thing.
I think music is supposed to be shared.
I took a few piano lessons as a kid, but it didn’t last; I just learned piano from doing it over and over on my own, because I didn’t have many friends, and there was always a keyboard in the house.
I know for a fact that I’m problematic. I shouldn’t be looked to for any kind of guidance.
I’d always been fascinated by death, which sounds so morbid. Especially being a woman trying to make music, I think there’s a sense that you’re never young enough, or your career is going to end soon.
You can be heartbroken about a relationship but also, from it, realize you are you, and you’re okay with who you are or where you came from.
I always have strong urges to sabotage myself.
When I go onstage and am performing the way I want to… I finally feel like myself.
I’m punk, but I love gold.
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.
As a woman of color, I always have to be at 150 percent and better than everybody in the room to be considered competent.
I was a film major because, for some reason, I thought that that was a creative job that had more job opportunities. I don’t know what logic I was following, but that was my impression at the time.
A lot of musicians talk about how they were into music from the start; they always wanted to be musicians. It wasn’t like that for me. I didn’t think of it as a job or a career – it was just something that was constant.
Often I’ve had problems automatically bending to a lover’s will, becoming what I know they want me to be. Immediately, I learn all the music they love, listen to it, study it, instead of being like, ‘This is what I love!’
Maybe this is a made-up belief to preserve myself, but I do believe that everyone has a purpose, and my purpose is to put out music that means something.