When you’re doing something you’re not used to, you kind of realize that you’re still a kid: even though the whole world around you sees you as an adult and you’re expected to act like an adult, you still haven’t actually grown up.
MITSKIOftentimes, the most important decisions I make are the ones I don’t put much thought into.
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Whenever someone says they like something about my music.
Oftentimes, the most important decisions I make are the ones I don’t put much thought into.
I’m punk, but I love gold.
On tour, people know that if they ever ask me what I want to eat, I will always say Asian food. I’m becoming a stereotype, but it’s what I want to eat. I want to eat rice.
I don’t want to be a musician’s musician. I want to be an everyone’s musician.
Music was the one thing that was just mine, and no one could take it from me. I created it, dictated it, and it made me not able to let go of it.
I hate that my opinions are gonna be on record… that my opinions of other artists are going to be on record.
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.
Then you start to realise, ‘Oh, I’m bending a lot,’ and they’re just standing there existing, and I’m bending around them. But you can’t blame them: they don’t realise it; that’s just how they already existed. It’s hard.
Maybe this is a made-up belief to preserve myself, but I do believe that everyone has a purpose, and my purpose is to put out music that means something.
I’ve been asked whether I have a hobby, and have felt strangely offended that anyone would assume I have the time.
I don’t care about making anything new. I make music to express an emotion, and if the emotion is nostalgic, so be it.
When you’re an adult, things mellow out. I think when you’re a teenager and you are sad and the world is ending, everything is about that one sadness.
I hope to be a writer and musician my whole life, fingers crossed.
It’s nice to know there’s a big world with many perspectives. I tend to get so stuck in my own small world easily, and going out into the world reminds me that I’m not the center of the world – in a good way.