Dating should be a part of your life, not your life a part of dating. There is more to life than finding a date.
HENRY CLOUDRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Dating should be a part of your life, not your life a part of dating. There is more to life than finding a date.
HENRY CLOUDOne of the worst things you can die with is potential.
HENRY CLOUDDating is a place to practice how to relate to other people.
HENRY CLOUDTrue intimacy is only build around the freedom to disagree.
HENRY CLOUDThe physicality of a real relationship – one that encompasses mind, body and soul – ultimately makes it more fulfilling and powerful than any virtual relationship ever could be.
HENRY CLOUDChristianity is not about morality. It’s about reality.
HENRY CLOUDSpouses in healthy relationships cherish each other’s space and are champions of each other’s causes.
HENRY CLOUDMarriage is not slavery. It is based on a love relationship deeply rooted in freedom. Each partner is free from the other and therefore free to love the other. Where there is control, or perception of control, there is not love. Love only exists where there is freedom.
HENRY CLOUDA culture is like an immune system. It operates through the laws of systems, just like a body. If a body has an infection, the immune system deals with it. Similarly, a group enforces its norms, either actively or passively.
HENRY CLOUDDating is a give and take. If you only see it as “Taking,” you are not getting it.
HENRY CLOUDDating is primarily a numbers game. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.
HENRY CLOUDBoundaries are basically about providing structure, and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.
HENRY CLOUDIf you are building a culture where honest expectations are communicated and peer accountability is the norm, then the group will address poor performance and attitudes.
HENRY CLOUDIt is true that you get what you tolerate.
HENRY CLOUDJust as we leave the effects of our work behind in results, we leave the effects of our interactions with people in their hearts, minds, and souls.
HENRY CLOUDI’m not an expert in the sociological realities of all the pastors in the world, but I would say that there are some very, very positive things about the state of integrity in church leaders.