There is a difference between solitude and isolation. One is connected and one isn’t. Solitude replenishes, isolation diminishes.
HENRY CLOUDRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
There is a difference between solitude and isolation. One is connected and one isn’t. Solitude replenishes, isolation diminishes.
HENRY CLOUDTo grow, we need things that we do not have and cannot provide, and we need to have a source of those things who looks favorably upon us and who does things for us for our own good.
HENRY CLOUDThe business of church is ultimately people. You’re trying to heal people, grow people, teach people, and mend people. And when leaders spend all of their time helping and growing other people, they ignore their own growth.
HENRY CLOUDThe mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meet her demands.
HENRY CLOUDLeave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else. Reactions from those parts of you will reinforce your children’s most primitive fears.
HENRY CLOUDA good test of a relationship is how a person responds to the word ‘no.’ Love respects ‘no,’ control does not.
HENRY CLOUDGood pain is pain in the service of a purpose. Bad pain is pain endured because we are resisting a needed growth step.
HENRY CLOUDFaith goes beyond reason. It goes beyond what you can see. But it is as real as anything you can touch or feel.
HENRY CLOUDSuccessful people stick to what they are good at and find ways to make that larger.
HENRY CLOUDDating is a place to practice how to relate to other people.
HENRY CLOUDWhen truth presents itself, the wise person see the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does not have to adjust to it.
HENRY CLOUDYou aren’t alive if you aren’t in need.
HENRY CLOUDThe sad thing is that many of us come to Christ because we are sinners, and then spend the rest of our lives trying to pretend that we are not!
HENRY CLOUDLeadership is not taken, it is given. People give leadership to those that they trust. They allow people that they trust to have influence over their lives.
HENRY CLOUDIt is true that you get what you tolerate.
HENRY CLOUDIf people are really narcissistic or have a need to be seen as more than they really are, or to be admired as having it all together, then they cannot be followed and trusted by others.