Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen.
BODHIDHARMAIn order to see a fish you must watch the water
More Bodhidharma Quotes
And as long as you’re subject to birth and death, you’ll never attain enlightenment.
To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings.
This one life has no form and is empty by nature. If you become attached by any form, you should reject it. If you see an ego, a soul, a birth, or a death, reject them all.
When your mind doesn’t stir inside, the world doesn’t arise outside. When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding.
To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.
Worship means reverence and humility. It means revering your real self and humbling delusions. If you can wipe out evil desires and harbor good thoughts, even if nothing shows, it’s worship. Such form is its real form.
The Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting.
As mortals, we’re ruled by conditions, not by ourselves.
Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha…. Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation.
To have a body is to suffer.
Our nature is the mind. And the mind is our nature.
When we’re deluded there’s a world to escape. When we’re aware, there’s nothing to escape.
I do not need any writing, since I transmit teaching beyond words and ideas.
The ultimate Truth is beyond words. Doctrines are words. They’re not the Way.
Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free, even of birth and death. You’ll transform everything.