When we really start to take a look at who we think we are, we become very grace prone.
ADYASHANTITrue love has nothing to do with liking someone, agreeing with him or her or being compatible. It is a love of unity, a love of seeing God wearing all the masks, and recognising itself in them all..
More Adyashanti Quotes
As if it were their job to be nice to you, you put yourself at odds with what is, and suffering will surely follow.
Every time you claim, “I am this”, you just claimed another sense perception, thought, emotion, or feeling.
The truth is that you already are what you are seeking.
Feel this moment, see it with a willingness to experience it deeply, whether it be good, bad, or indifferent. Emotionally and feelingly be fully present, right here, vulnerable, with your heart. Just be present. Don’t live from your conditioned mind, live from unconditional truth.
The separate self is just the conglomeration of these opposing forces. When the self drops away, inner division drops away with it.
If you prefer smoke over fire then get up now and leave. For I do not intend to perfume your mind’s clothing with more sooty knowledge.
Meditation is a dress rehearsal for death.
This movement of grasping and aversion gives rise to a sense of a separate ‘me,’ and in turn the sense of ‘me’ strengthens itself this way.
Trying to maintain a pleasant state and avoid an unpleasant state is actually the cause of sorrow. When you stop resisting, you see that what seems frightening is actually the absolute beauty of reality.
To remain unconscious of being is to remain asleep to our own reality and therefore asleep to reality at large. The choice is simple: awaken to being or sleep an endless sleep.
One Zen master said, The whole universe is my true personality. This is a very wonderful saying… If you want to see what you truly are, open the window, and everything you see is in fact the expression of your inner reality. Can you embrace all of it?
Feel your way into what I am saying rather than thinking about it. Only a self-concept looks and longs for God. Drop your self-concept and there is only God meeting God. Enlightenment is the restoration of cosmic humor.
True freedom is to be free from the desire to be free from anything.
All delusions begin in the mind. All delusions are based on various ways we’re talking to ourselves and then believing what we are saying.
What matters are not the truths other people tell us or the practices that we are able to mimic, but the spiritual discoveries we make through personal investigation.