I never lost or fail, not yet conquered. If I fall seven times, I get up eight
BODHIDHARMATo have a body is to suffer. Does anyone with a body know peace? Those who understand this detach themselves from all that exists and stop imagining or seeking anything. The sutras say, “To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.” When you seek nothing, you’re on the Path.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
Delusion means mortality. And awareness means Buddhahood.
Trying to find a buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space.
Not creating delusions is enlightenment.
As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you’ll never see that your own mind is the Buddha
But people of the deepest understanding look within, distracted by nothing. Since a clear mind is the Buddha, they attain the understanding of a Buddha without using the mind.
All know the way, but few actually walk it.
The Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting. The Way has no form or sound. It’s subtle and hard to perceive. It’s like when you drink water: you know how hot or cold it is, but you can’t tell others.
If your mind is pure, all buddha-lands are pure.
You can’t know your real mind as long as you deceive yourself.
Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free, even of birth and death. You’ll transform everything.
As long as you’re enthralled by a lifeless form, you’re not free.
People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something, always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons.
To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature.
Our nature is the mind. And the mind is our nature.
When we’re deluded there’s a world to escape. When we’re aware, there’s nothing to escape.