To be truly ignorant, be content with your own knowledge.
ZHUANGZIVerily God does not reward man for what he does, but for what he is.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
The greatest tragedy that can befall a person is the atrophy of his mind.
The perfect man uses his mind as a mirror. It grasps nothing. It regrets nothing. It receives but does not keep.
To exercise no-thought and rest in nothing is the first step toward resting in Tao. To start from nowhere and follow no road is the first step toward attaining Tao.
When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill; when he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous; when he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets.
The World is Large – Its beauty indescrible.
We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.
Great understanding is broad and unhurried; little understanding is cramped and busy.
Men of this world all rejoice in others being like themselves, and object to others not being like themselves.
The true man breathes with his heels.
If one is true to one’s inner self, and follows its wisdom, who is without a teacher?
The knowledge of the ancients reached the highest point-the time before anything existed. This is the highest point. It is exhaustive. There is no adding to it.
The men of old breathed clear down to their heels.
Those who realise their folly are not true fools.
All men know the use of the useful, but nobody knows the use of the useless. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so that I can have a word with him?
The saying goes, ‘The sage rests, truly rests and is at ease.’ This manifests itself in calmness and detachment, so that worries and distress cannot affect him, nothing unpleasant can disturb him, his Virtue is complete and his spirit is not stirred up.