In our imaginations we believe that love is apart from us. Actually there is nothing but love, once we are ready to accept it. When you truly find love, you find yourself.
However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the “right” person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside.
One thing we can do is make the choice to view the world in a healthy way. We can choose to see the world as safe with only moments of danger rather than seeing the world as dangerous with only moments of safety.
If you want to be happy, make someone else happy. If you want to find the right person in your life, be the right person. If you want to see change in the world, become the change you want to see.
When we experience the power of the Self, there is an absence of fear, there is no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power.
The true spiritual secret is this: what you seek, you already are. True success is discovering your inner divinity~ it’s the ability to love and have compassion, trust your intuition, and awaken to your unlimited creative nature.
As you let go of the complications, emotional toxins, and everything else that isn’t serving you, you will be free to experience the happiness that exists in simplicity.