Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war. AL MCGUIRE BasketballImportant SurgeryLeadershipOverrateSportWarWin
And if we win, then everyone can be considered successful and we can move uptown together. AL MCGUIRE ConsiderEveryoneMoveSuccessfulTogetherUptownWin
I don’t discuss basketball. I dictate basketball. I’m not interested in philosophy classes. AL MCGUIRE BasketballClassDictateInterestIntersetPhilosophy
Our guys took Shop and Advanced Shop. Shop is when you make a chair. Advanced Shop is when you paint it. AL MCGUIRE AdvanceBasketballChairGuyLookOurPaintShop
Remember, half the doctors in this country graduated in the bottom half of their class. AL MCGUIRE BasketballBottleClassCountryGraduationRemember
I went into a restaurant one night and ordered lobster, and the waiter brought me one with a claw missing. AL MCGUIRE BoughtClawFightLobsterMissNightOneOrderRestaurantWater
You can always tell the Catholic schools by the length of the cheerleaders’ skirts. AL MCGUIRE AlwaysBasketballCatholicCheerleaderLengthSchoolSkirt
I come from New York where, if you fall down, someone will pick you up by your wallet. AL MCGUIRE BasketballComeCountryFallSomeoneWallet
If the waitress has dirty ankles, the chili is good. AL MCGUIRE AnkleBasketballChiliDirtyGoodWaitress
The next time I will cry is when I die. My life has been that beautiful. AL MCGUIRE BasketballBeautifulCryDieLifeNextTime
I had my moment on the stage. The trick in life is to know when to leave. AL MCGUIRE BasketballLeaveLifeMomentStageTrick
It bothers me that the average fan, the average sportswriter for that matter, pays so much attention to what’s in a box score. AL MCGUIRE AttentionAverageBotherBoxFanManMatterPayScoreSportswriterTeam
Help one kid at a time. He’ll maybe go back and help a few more. AL MCGUIRE BackBasketballFewHelpKidMoreTime
I tell the players that they can’t relive any day in their lives and that they can’t relive the minutes of a game. AL MCGUIRE DayGameMinuteMovePlayerReliveSportSuccessfulTell
You gotta have a concrete lawn before I feel comfortable enough to go in and talk to you parents. AL MCGUIRE BasketballComfortableConcreteEnoughFeelGottaLawnParentTalk
If winning weren’t important nobody would keep score. AL MCGUIRE BasketballImportantKeepNobodyScoreWin
Don’t be just another guy going down the street and going nowhere. AL MCGUIRE AnotherBasketballGoGuyNowhereOtherStreet