I think the pressure gets to me when I play shows and there’s more people in the audience than I’m used to.
MITSKIYou can be heartbroken about a relationship but also, from it, realize you are you, and you’re okay with who you are or where you came from.
More Mitski Quotes
I think my whole identity is formed around not knowing where I’m from. It might even be that I find comfort in that confusion.
I guess you can say I ‘do the Twist.’ I like playful dance moves that aren’t too serious.
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.
You can never learn enough about music.
I don’t want to be elitist.
I didn’t fit in anywhere when I grew up, but I was always American, so to survive,
I was a film major because, for some reason, I thought that that was a creative job that had more job opportunities. I don’t know what logic I was following, but that was my impression at the time.
I think your ego gets in the way of making something good because it kind of blinds you from the actual art.
Growing up, I never really felt like anything was my own. I moved a lot, and I never belonged anywhere.
I can’t read in a car, because I’ll get sick. It’s almost instant.
I couldn’t wait to get out of school, but once I did, I didn’t actually know what I wanted to do with myself. I don’t really know how it happened, but I just started writing music and realized that’s what I wanted to do.
I understand that, because there are so many musicians, you have to make artists into brands, but I sometimes feel like I have to be some kind of non-human icon in order for people to listen to my music.
I tend to not want to do that anymore. It’s not even that I don’t like it anymore: it’s that I keep trying to find ways for people to dislike me.
I don’t care about making anything new. I make music to express an emotion, and if the emotion is nostalgic, so be it.
I feel like I’ve always wanted to live in one place and stay in one place, but I always end up choosing things that make me travel.