Freedom and Love arise when you die into the unknown mystery of being.
ADYASHANTIThere’s a fierceness about life that calls for a fierceness to not anxiously solve it but to allow it to transform you.
More Adyashanti Quotes
The truth is that you already are what you are seeking.
Actually, all paths lead away from the truth…how’s that? All paths. There’s no such thing as a path to the truth. The truth’s already here, where are you going?
Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control.
If you want to know something, go elsewhere. If you want to un-know everything, then sit and listen.
The question of being is everything. Nothing could be more important or consequential-n othing where the stakes run so high.
How do I integrate spirituality into my everyday life? Throw out the concept of “spiritual life” and “everyday life.” There is only life, undivided and whole.
Have you noticed, with whatever quality of love you have experienced, that when true love arises, it opens up both your mind and emotions? It’s an openness to whatever is happening.
True meditation is letting go of manipulating our experience.
In the heart of a human being, emptiness becomes love. When we touch that Source, instantly the love is present. Literally, the divine becomes human and the human becomes divine.
You think that enlightenment is something other than what is happening right now. This is your primary mistake.
Silence is the only teaching and the only teacher that is there all the time.
Serving the Truth becomes our life instead of just an isolated event. It takes the abstractness out of spirituality. That’s the opportunity of real spirituality: to be in service to the silence of the heart.
Many Sages have said, “Your world is a dream. You’re living in an illusion.” They’re referring to this world of the mind and the way we believe our thoughts about reality.
Be a true representative of the goodness in your heart, and don’t expect it to be easy or even noticed.
Fear is very often a part of the spiritual path. When people sit down and meditate it’s not at all uncommon for fear to arise at some point.