A spiritual teaching is a finger pointing toward Reality; it is not Reality itself. To be in a true and mature relationship with a spiritual teaching requires you to apply it, not simply believe in it.
ADYASHANTIA total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself.
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Ego is neither positive nor negative. Those are simply concepts that create more boundaries. Ego is just ego, and the disaster of it all is that you, as a spiritual seeker, have been conditioned to think of the ego as bad, as an enemy, as something to be destroyed.
To see things as you see them or to see things differently—until you have given the whole world its freedom—you’ll never have your freedom.
Now don’t think that awakening is the end. Awakening is the end of seeking, the end of the seeker, but it is the beginning of a life lived from your true nature.
The most difficult thing for spiritual seekers to do is to stop struggling, striving, seeking, and searching. Why? Because in the absence of struggle you don’t know who you are; you lose your boundaries.
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. There is no sense that anything needs to change, but it does change.
There’s a great space in which this moment takes place. There’s a great silence that is listening to the thoughts.
Actually, all paths lead away from the truth…how’s that? All paths. There’s no such thing as a path to the truth. The truth’s already here, where are you going?
The realization of Truth and Reality can never be created by the mind … it always comes as a gift of grace. Inquiry clears away misperceptions and illusions, making one available to the movements of grace.
I often describe the Absolute as Pure Infinite Potential, prior to being or becoming anything. It is forever unborn, yet gives birth to all of existence. About our ultimate nature nothing can be said; it must be revealed.
If we know who and what we are very thoroughly, we will express and manifest that in what we do. It is all very simple.
When you let go of the egoic self what you’re getting in exchange is the whole universe.
Can you imagine if you really let it in that you are not a problem to be solved in any way? Imagine you knew that anything that would tell you otherwise is just a movement of thought in the mind that says “Whatever is, isn’t the way it is supposed to be.
At first it seems as if begoing follows becoming. But look even closer and you will see that there are only flashes of lightning illuminating the empty sky.
Spirituality does not require that you work hard toward achieving a result in the future as much as it requires you to be fully present.
Right now you can allow yourself to experience a very simple sense of not knowing – not knowing what or who you are, not knowing what this moment is, not knowing anything.