You can’t look at what’s looking. You can’t think about that which is prior to thought.
ADYASHANTIAwareness yields to itself, to its inherent creativity, to its expression in form, to experience itself.
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It has no intention to harmonize. It has no agenda. It just happens. The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda. Everything else will have an agenda.
What is really important you can’t understand with your mind.
You must choose between your attachments and happiness.
My experience of fundamental Truth is that it’s a place of extraordinary intelligence. It’s a place from which great intelligence arises. I call it a place of absolute infinite potential.
If moonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop of water, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own empty dream.
How do I integrate spirituality into my everyday life? Throw out the concept of “spiritual life” and “everyday life.” There is only life, undivided and whole.
If we know who and what we are very thoroughly, we will express and manifest that in what we do. It is all very simple.
This simply strengthens the ego. In fact, such conclusions arise from the ego itself. Pay no attention to them. Don’t go to war with yourself; simply inquire into who you are.
[And yet] it is astounding how completely we humans define ourselves by the content of our minds, feelings, and history.
Completion comes when we not just wake up from all form, from all identification, but when love causes us to re-embrace it all.
What if you let go of every bit of control and every urge that you have, right down to the most infinitesimal urge to control anything, anywhere, including anything that may be happening with you at this moment?
Awareness naturally returns to its non-state of absolute unmanifest potential, the silent abyss beyond all knowing.
You’ll have more love than you know what to do with. Whatever you are inside, you receive a thousandfold on the outside.
The truth is you can’t try to let go. Trying is the opposite of letting go. To let go is to relinquish trying. To let go is much more like to let be.
I often describe the Absolute as Pure Infinite Potential, prior to being or becoming anything. It is forever unborn, yet gives birth to all of existence. About our ultimate nature nothing can be said; it must be revealed.