To pause for just a moment and realize that maybe you aren’t who you imagine yourself to be.
ADYASHANTIThe true heart of all human beings is the lover of what is.
More Adyashanti Quotes
You don’t awaken, what has eternally been awake realizes itself. That which is eternally awake is what you are.
Awareness yields to itself, to its inherent creativity, to its expression in form, to experience itself.
We need to see each moment of apparent bondage as an invitation to freedom. Then it becomes an act of love, an act of compassion, to stop running away.
Nothing appears to be something. The human experience is a senseory organ for the divine self. Through these eyes, the divine gets to see itself in form.
Embrace suffering, and you transform your relationship with what causes you to suffer, as well as your relationship with suffering itself.
The ultimate freedom from the nonexistent ego is to see that it is actually irrelevant.
Grief, unresisted, is grace. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t rip your heart out….In great grief, there’s an incredible love in it. In love there’s a tinge of bitter. In true love.
A few minutes ago, you knew who you were-you had a history and a personality-but from this place of not knowing, you question all of that.
The Buddha’s insight into the middle way is not simply about a balance between extremes. This conventional understanding misses the deeper revelation of the middle way as being the very nature of unexcelled enlightenment.
You think that enlightenment is something other than what is happening right now. This is your primary mistake.
Imagine trusting silence more than any thought you can come up with.
Right now you can allow yourself to experience a very simple sense of not knowing – not knowing what or who you are, not knowing what this moment is, not knowing anything.
If we look at the world around us, we see that we are conditioned to not listen deeply. Because isn’t that what silence is? It’s a listening, a deep wordless listening.
The world’s problems are, by and large, human problems-the unavoidable consequence of egoic sleepwalking. If we care to look, all the signs are present to suggest that we are not only sleepwalking, but at times borderline insane as well.
They know deep down that certain things in their lives are working or aren’t working, that certain parts of their lives are functional and others are dysfunctional. But sometimes, as human beings, we don’t want to know what’s not convenient. So we pretend not to know.