Transmit the established facts; do not transmit words of exaggeration. If you do that, you will probably come out all right.
ZHUANGZIDo not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.
The space under the sky is occupied by all things in their unity.
There is a beginning. There is no beginning of that beginning. There is something. There is nothing.
Heaven does without doing through its purity, Earth does without doing through its calmness.
Men of this world all rejoice in others being like themselves, and object to others not being like themselves.
One whose inner being is fixed upon such greatness emits a Heavenly glow. Even though he has this Heavenly glow, others will see him as just a man. Someone who has reached this point will begin to be consistent.
The enlightened attention rejects nothing nor welcomes anything-like a mirror it responds equally to all.
All the fish needs is to get lost in the water. All man needs is to get lost in Tao.
There is danger for the eye in seeing too clearly, danger for the ear in hearing too sharply and danger to the heart from caring too greatly.
When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. When the belt fits, the belly is forgotten. When the heart is right, “for” and “against” are forgotten. No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions: Then your affairs are under control. You are a free man.
Human life is limited, but knowledge is limitless. To drive the limited in pursuit of the limitless is fatal; and to presume that one really knows is fatal indeed!
The effect of life in society is to complicate and confuse our existence, making us forget who we really are by causing us to become obsessed with what we are not.
The perfect man uses his mind as a mirror. It grasps nothing. It regrets nothing. It receives but does not keep.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.
There may be difficulty at the moment, but I will not lose the Virtue that I possess. It is when the ice and snow are on them that we see the strength of the cypress and the pine. I am grateful for this trouble around me, because it gives me an opportunity to realize how fortunate I am.