I will not relive that bullying nightmare.
MOIRA ROSERelated Topics
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I will not relive that bullying nightmare.
MOIRA ROSEAs much as I would love to contribute to the population growth of this town by way of teen pregnancies I must decline.
MOIRA ROSEI’m positively bedeviled with meetings et cetera.
MOIRA ROSEI want you to know, John, that you are the most important thing in this world to me.
MOIRA ROSEI was worried sick, dear! ‘Where’s David? Or his bags?
MOIRA ROSEI’ve been burned so many times I’m like the human equivalent of the inside of a roasted marshmallow.
MOIRA ROSEWhen one of us shines, all of us shine.
MOIRA ROSEThis wine is awful. Get me another glass.
MOIRA ROSEYour wayfaring thespian has returned
MOIRA ROSEYou do realize I’m a professional vocalist?
MOIRA ROSEOne day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‘Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!
MOIRA ROSEI am suddenly overwhelmed with regret, it’s a new feeling for me, and I don’t find it at all pleasurable.
MOIRA ROSEThe world is falling apart around us and I’m dying inside.
MOIRA ROSESocial media is an amusement park for clinical narcissists.
MOIRA ROSELet’s all pray we don’t wake up!
MOIRA ROSEThere once was a radiant young actress who dreamed of having two sons.