To be truly ignorant, be content with your own knowledge.
ZHUANGZIThe effect of life in society is to complicate and confuse our existence, making us forget who we really are by causing us to become obsessed with what we are not.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Men honor what lies within the sphere of their knowledge, but do not realize how dependent they are on what lies beyond it.
During our dreams we do not know we are dreaming. We may even dream of interpreting a dream. Only on waking do we know it was a dream. Only after the great awakening will we realize that this is the great dream.
Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious. Great speech is impassioned, small speech cantankerous.
Being is thoughtless-beyond and beneath all categories of thought. Expression is the realization of creative thought. Being is still; expression, moving. But then if I do not strive, who will?
The living all find death unpleasant; men mourn over it. And yet, what is death, but the unbending of the bow and its return to its case?
So if loss of what gives happiness causes you distress when it fades, you can now understand that such happiness is worthless. It is said, those who lose themselves in their desire for things also lose their innate nature by being vulgar.
Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers.
The sage embraces things. Ordinary men discriminate amongst them and parade their discriminations before others. So I say; those who discriminate, fail to see.
Each one’s destiny cannot be altered.
To regard the fundamental as the essence, to regard things as coarse, to regard accumulation as deficiency, and to dwell quietly alone with the spiritual and the intelligent – herein lie the techniques of Tao of the ancients.
I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.
Either in conflict with others or in harmony with them, we go through life like a runaway horse, unable to stop.
The World is Large – Its beauty indescrible.
For all people strive to grasp what they do not know, while none strive to grasp what they already know; and all strive to discredit what they do not excel in, while none strive to discredit what they do excel in. This is why there is chaos.
Heaven does without doing through its purity, Earth does without doing through its calmness.