Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.
ZHUANGZIFlow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
So if loss of what gives happiness causes you distress when it fades, you can now understand that such happiness is worthless. It is said, those who lose themselves in their desire for things also lose their innate nature by being vulgar.
Transmit the established facts; do not transmit words of exaggeration. If you do that, you will probably come out all right.
The sage has the sun and moon by his side and the universe under his arm. He blends everything into a harmonious whole. . . . He blends the disparities of ten thousand years into one complete purity. All things are blended like this and mutually involve each other.
He who regards all things as one is a companion of Nature.
Great knowledge sees all in one. Small knowledge breaks down into the many.
Each one’s destiny cannot be altered.
Great understanding is broad and unhurried; little understanding is cramped and busy.
The true man breathes with his heels.
And how do I know that the hate of death is not like a man who has lost his home when young and does not know where his home is to return to?
Let your mind wander in the pure and simple. Be one with the infinite. Let all things take their course.
The sage embraces things. Ordinary men discriminate amongst them and parade their discriminations before others. So I say; those who discriminate, fail to see.
Good fortune is as light as a feather, but nobody knows how to pick it up. Misfortune is as heavy as earth, but nobody knows how to stay out of it’s way.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.
Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.
You are still guided by your expectations.