The World is Large – Its beauty indescrible.
ZHUANGZIHeaven does without doing through its purity, Earth does without doing through its calmness.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Silence, and non action are the root of all things.
Do not let the artificial obliterate the natural; do not let will obliterate destiny; do not let virtue be sacrificed to fame.
If one is true to one’s inner self, and follows its wisdom, who is without a teacher?
Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.
Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words, so I can have a few words with him?
Never admire a man by his strength; judge him in how he uses it- A way is made by walking it.
The one-legged creature is envious of the millipede; the millipede is envious of the snake; the snake is envious of the wind; the wind is envious of the eye; the eye is envious of the heart.
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill; when he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous; when he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets.
The perfect man uses his mind as a mirror. It grasps nothing. It regrets nothing. It receives but does not keep.
Life is finite, While knowledge is infinite.
The Tao is in all things, in their divisions and their fullness. What I dislike about divisions is that they multiply, and what i dislike about multiplication is that it makes people want to hold fast to it. So people go out and forget to return, seeing little more than ghosts.
People value that part of knowledge which is known. They do not know how to avail themselves of the Unknown in order to reach knowledge. Is this not misguided?
If the Way is made clear, it is not the Way.