Great knowledge sees all in one. Small knowledge breaks down into the many.
ZHUANGZILife is finite, While knowledge is infinite.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
Only the intelligent knows how to identify all things as one. When one is at ease with himself, one is near Tao. This is to let Nature take its own course.
He who does his work like a machine grows a heart like a machine and he who carries the heart of a machine in his breast loses his simplicity. He who has lost his simplicity becomes unsure in the strivings of his soul.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words, so I can have a few words with him?
You are still guided by your expectations.
A sage steers by the bright light of confusion and doubt.
Running around accusing others is not as good as laughing. And enjoying a good laugh is not as good as going along with things.
Life is finite, While knowledge is infinite.
He who knows he is a fool is not the biggest fool; He who knows he is confused is not in the worst confusion.
Right is not right; so is not so. If right were really right it would differ so clearly from not right that there would be no need for argument. If so were really so, it would differ so clearly from not so that there would be no need for argument.
Look at this window: it is nothing but a hole in the wall, but because of it the whole room is full of light. So when the faculties are empty, the heart is full of light.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind.
Either in conflict with others or in harmony with them, we go through life like a runaway horse, unable to stop.
The enlightened attention rejects nothing nor welcomes anything-like a mirror it responds equally to all.
When you are identified with the One, all things will be complete to you.