Whether the gentleman is capable or not, he is loved all the same; conversely the petty man is loathed all the same.
XUNZIThose whose character is mean and vicious will rouse others to animosity against them.
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If the gentleman has ability, he is magnanimous, generous, tolerant, and straightforward, through which he opens the way to instruct others.
The coming of honor or disgrace must be a reflection of one’s inner power.
The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.
When you concentrate on agriculture and industry and are frugal in expenditures, Heaven cannot impoverish your state.
The nature of man is evil; what is good in him is artificial.
Misery is evil; quarreling, a misfortune. There is only one possibility of avoiding both: a clear division of society. [Otherwise] the strong tyrannize the weak, the intelligent frighten the stupid, the inferior resist the superior, and the young mock the old.
The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him.
Human nature refers to what is in people but which they cannot study or work at achieving.
One must remember equality, yet also be aware of difference, for if the people are allowed to act as it pleases them without coming up against displeasure, if one gives rein to its desires without setting [any] limit, it becomes confused and can no longer take delight in anything.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Therefore, a person should first be changed by a teacher’s instructions, and guided by principles of ritual. Only then can he observe the rules of courtesy and humility, obey the conventions and rules of society, and achieve order.
Those whose character is mean and vicious will rouse others to animosity against them.
Music is a fantastic peacekeeper of the world, it is integral to harmony, and it is a required fundamental of human emotion.
When a man sees something desirable, he must reflect on the fact that with time it could come to involve what is detestable. When he sees something that is beneficial, he should reflect that sooner or later it, too, could come to involve harm.
If the impulse to daring and bravery is too fierce and violent, stay it with guidance and instruction.