I see myself as a comic but the acting helps sell tickets for gigs. ALAN DAVIES ActComicGigHelpMyselfSeeSellTicket
I’m more inclined to linger in the science pages of ‘The Week’ magazine. ALAN DAVIES InclineLingerMagazineMovePageScienceWeek
The thing I’d really like to see is the old London Bridge, with all the old buildings around it like Shakespeare’s Globe. ALAN DAVIES AroundAuthorBridgeBuildingGlobeLikeLondonOldReallySeeThing
The principle that light can be in two places at the same time is absolutely extraordinary. ALAN DAVIES AbsolutelyExtraordinaryLightPlacePrincipleSameTime
Any journey around Islington involves hundreds of speed bumps that seem to tear the bottom of your car off. ALAN DAVIES AnyAroundBottomBumpCarCountryHundredInvolveJourneyOffSpeedTear
I don’t want to moan about being recognised but I do get a bit of grief sometimes. ALAN DAVIES BidGetGriefMaonRecognizeSometimesWant
There’s a lot to do when you’re a kid – spiders to catch, girls to poke in the eye – stuff to be getting on with. ALAN DAVIES CatchDoEyeGetGirl PokeKidLotSpiderStuffWhenWith
I like pubs too, but it’s hard for me to go and get proper bladdered in the way I used to. ALAN DAVIES BladderGetHardLikeMeProperPubUsedWay
I’m quite a curious person. I don’t mind being the one who doesn’t know things, a role I often play in QI. ALAN DAVIES CuriousPersonQuite
I’d like to walk along that. Don’t worry, I won’t get drunk and fall in. ALAN DAVIES AlongDrunkFallLikeWalkWorry
But my principle obsessions are still watching sitcoms and football. ALAN DAVIES FootballMyObsessionPrincipalSitcomsStillWatch
I liked the idea of all of humanity fitting inside a sugar cube because more than 99.9% of matter is space. ALAN DAVIES CubeFitHumanityIdeaInsideLikeMatterPercentSpaceSugar
I’m not a great shopper but I do buy a lot of books. I’m the publishers’ friend – I buy a hundred books a year and read four. ALAN DAVIES BookBuyFourFriendGreatHundredPublisherRaedShopperYear