Your heart is the light of this world. Don’t cover it with your mind.
MOOJIDon’t belong to anything. Don’t belong to anyone. Just Be. Feel your Being first and foremost, and don’t compare or compete. Just Be your Being.
More Mooji Quotes
The greatest step towards a life of happiness and simplicity is to let go. Trust in the power that is already taking care of you spontaneously without effort.
Surrender is not a weakness it is strength.It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding.
Attention pays attention to a lot of things, but when attention pays attention to attention, then there is a stillness, and that stillness introduces you to your Self.
No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought you give power to the thought.
Don’t remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free.
You need nothing to be happy – you need something to be sad.
You are the light of consciousness and also the witness of this light. You are pure awareness.
If you could look inside the Heart of any and every single human being, you would fall in love with them completely. If you see the inside as it really Is and not as your mind projects it to be, you would be so purely in love with the whole thing.
In the spiritual journey, you cannot be a wine taster, you have to become a drunk.
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
God can never be close. God can never be close because it would mean that there is some place where God is not. God is infinite. We cannot exist outside of the infinite. Therefore, God is our Reality.
When you see what is not real, this laughter comes.
We are the space in which thoughts appear, play, and dissolve like clouds drifting in the infinite sky.
Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death. Because this death releases you into real life. You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.
Face your fears and stop allowing the mind to hold you captive.