Surrender is not a weakness it is strength.It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding.
MOOJIEverything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
More Mooji Quotes
Who reminds you to breathe and to beat your heart? Something is there, taking care.
If you seek approval from others in this world, you will not know happiness.
Wanting something to make you happy is a sure way to be miserable.
God can never be close. God can never be close because it would mean that there is some place where God is not. God is infinite. We cannot exist outside of the infinite. Therefore, God is our Reality.
Don’t remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free.
Be true to Love. Do not betray Her. Then, on the day that the forest of the mind bursts into flames, you will not run. You will remain silent and still; for this is when Love bears Her sweetest fruit: untouched Presence.
Ignoring the mind is a beautiful sadhana. This is what many of the sages did. They ignored the mind out of existence. It loses its influence and its potency when it is ignored.
Let the mind come as it wants; just you don’t go with it. The greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you if you don’t buy.
Don’t be too quick to interpret the moment. Just keep quiet. My encouragement would always be: never think anything is against you, everything is blessing. Why should it be different? Just be quiet. Let it all work itself out.
You are the Master, the mind is your servant. That is the correct relationship.
When you can bear your own silence, you are free.
Mind is there, in front of you. Don’t log in.
The mind is like the wind. You’re trying to stop the wind, dressed as a kite. How are you going to do it?
We are the space in which thoughts appear, play, and dissolve like clouds drifting in the infinite sky.
Let it be whatever it will be. Give up trying to manipulate. This is Freedom.