Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death. Because this death releases you into real life. You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.
MOOJIOut of the formless the forms appear.
More Mooji Quotes
Focus your mind on ‘I Am’, which is pure and simple being. You are Here and Now only. Contemplate what it is to be fully ‘Here’ and fully ‘Now’. For this you must leave all else. Stay only as here-now Conscious presence. This is Heart. This is Self.
Don’t be too quick to interpret the moment. Just keep quiet. My encouragement would always be: never think anything is against you, everything is blessing. Why should it be different? Just be quiet. Let it all work itself out.
No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought you give power to the thought.
You are the Master, the mind is your servant. That is the correct relationship.
Feelings, by themselves, do not create problems. It is rather the tendency to interpret and analyze them. When out of habit you believe those interpretations, it is there that the suffering begins.
You need nothing to be happy – you need something to be sad.
Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.
Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.
Out of the formless the forms appear.
Something brought you here. Trust that it will satisfy its own intention to take you Home.
If you do not trust life to unfold, the mind takes over and it becomes a game of strategy, motivated by anxiety. This mistrust is unfair. Life has given us so much, and yet we do not trust it.
When you see what is not real, this laughter comes.
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
You already are, the peace you are looking for. Be still and know that.
Life is so much wiser and kinder than your mind imagines. Trust & Be Still.