Don’t try and save yourself. The self that is trying to be saved is not you.
MOOJIWhen you can bear your own silence, you are free.
More Mooji Quotes
Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.
Some people know they are dreaming when they are asleep. You must also know you are dreaming when you wake-up. When you know you are dreaming when you wake up, then you are really waking up.
Your heart is the light of this world. Don’t cover it with your mind.
Wanting something to make you happy is a sure way to be miserable.
Your mantra is thank you. Just keep saying thank you. Don’t explain. Don’t complain. Just say thank you. Say thank you to existence.
You ask, ‘How to live my life?’ But with the question you are suffocating life itself, for life is spontaneity.
Life cannot be against you, for you are Life itself. Life can only seem to go against the ego’s projections, which are rarely the truth.
If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
To change the world is not your mission. To change yourself is not your duty. To awaken to your true nature is your opportunity.
Don’t remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free.
Life is so much wiser and kinder than your mind imagines. Trust & Be Still.
You are the light of consciousness and also the witness of this light. You are pure awareness.
It is not about mind-watching; but rather recognizing That which watches the mind.
Feelings, by themselves, do not create problems. It is rather the tendency to interpret and analyze them. When out of habit you believe those interpretations, it is there that the suffering begins.
Face your fears and stop allowing the mind to hold you captive.