I know for a fact that I’m problematic. I shouldn’t be looked to for any kind of guidance.
MITSKII think it’s our responsibility as artists to not only fight for our art but fight for the communities that are the reason we’re able to continue making art, especially since, in Brooklyn’s case, we as artists somehow made it ‘cool’ enough for the bigger money-making industries to start taking over.
More Mitski Quotes
When I go onstage and am performing the way I want to… I finally feel like myself.
Growing up, I never really felt like anything was my own. I moved a lot, and I never belonged anywhere.
Being an outsider at all times is both unhealthy and useful, because you become much more objective about things.
It’s very tempting, when somebody says they like this about you, to want to do that over and over.
Pop artists work really hard, and they might not work for the same things that indie artists do, but they’re still musicians, and they’re still making art.
I think people don’t realize how little of being an artist is making art.
I think my whole identity is formed around not knowing where I’m from. It might even be that I find comfort in that confusion.
I’m Japanese, and I’m also white American, and neither camp wants me in their camp.
If I have a song where I hit some really high notes, I want to try to bring in equivalently low notes somewhere in there.
What’s important to me is that my songs can exist without any material anything. It’s very reflective of my ideology.
I’m so smart. I am good at doing math really quickly in my head.
Tour isn’t good for writing, but it’s good for inspiration.
I’m not an innovator.
If I ever found a place where I belonged, that in itself would be an identity crisis to me.
I don’t think I have the kind of creativity to write fiction.