With solo shows, you have complete control over the set list. If you feel like you want to do something different or do a new song, you can just work it in. You can talk to the audience or not talk to the audience. There’s nothing that’s set.
MITSKIIt’s nice to know there’s a big world with many perspectives. I tend to get so stuck in my own small world easily, and going out into the world reminds me that I’m not the center of the world – in a good way.
More Mitski Quotes
When I record, it’s this very precious and insular thing.
I wanted to take up guitar because playing piano is a little harder. Carrying a keyboard around is harder, and finding a real piano is much harder, and I wanted to play live more, so I figured a guitar would be easier to carry around.
I think music is supposed to be shared.
When someone is a musician – trying to make a living off being a public figure – it’s really easy for people to see me as a face on a screen that doesn’t have a personal life.
I’ve been asked whether I have a hobby, and have felt strangely offended that anyone would assume I have the time.
Pop artists work really hard, and they might not work for the same things that indie artists do, but they’re still musicians, and they’re still making art.
It would actually feel forced or unnatural to try to do a different singing style or to try to change my sound completely.
Being an outsider makes you a really good writer.
I think your ego gets in the way of making something good because it kind of blinds you from the actual art.
On one hand, I think it’s very important to talk about race and talk about gender, because if it’s not talked about, then we won’t progress.
I don’t care about making anything new. I make music to express an emotion, and if the emotion is nostalgic, so be it.
I have my privileges, but I do feel like at every turn there is such resistance.
I have a very conveniently photographic memory of emotions – it’s overwhelming, because things don’t fade for me.
I didn’t fit in anywhere when I grew up, but I was always American, so to survive,
I don’t set out to write something. I more just write, and later on, I discover what it’s about.