Do you know how many athletes go broke three years after they stop playing? I want to help them hold on to their money. I mean, I know about budgets.
JAY-ZReligion is like a personal computer. You let people in if you want to… We’re all gods.
More Jay-Z Quotes
I love what I do, and when you love what you do, you want to be the best at it.
My mom always taught me – you know, little boys listen to their moms too much – that whatever you put into something is what you’re going to get out of it.
When you’re growing up, your dad is your superhero. Once you’ve let yourself fall that in love with someone, once you put him on such a high pedestal and he lets you down, you never want to experience that pain again.
No, I’m not interested in politics. I have zero interest. I have interest in hope and people.
When I listen to Amy Winehouse, I believe that her heart and soul is in the music, or if I listen to other British artists like Duffy or Estelle. The aesthetic of it is different, and it’s my point of view. It’s not anything formulaic.
I’m going to make a very bold statement: Hip-hop has done more than any leader, politician, or anyone to improve race relations.
Music is everywhere – you consume it every day, everywhere you go. The content creator should be compensated. It’s only fair.
I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can.
Primarily I see myself as so much more than a rapper. I really believe I am the voice for a lot of people who don’t have that microphone or who can’t rap.
I was never a worker. And that’s not even being arrogant. I was just never a worker.
As an artist, you make music. And if you see people who don’t know how to market your music, you get involved in it. Otherwise, what you want to accomplish ‘gets lost in translation’ – no pun intended.
The experiences that I’ve had growing up with music, you know, I couldn’t trade them for any money in the world. Dancing in the living room to enjoy myself. ‘Enjoy Yourself,’ Michael Jackson.
What people have to understand is ‘Billboard’ is a magazine. They’re like elected officials – they work for us.
As kids, we didn’t complain about being poor; we talked about how rich we were going to be and made moves to get the lifestyle we aspired to by any means we could.
We have to stretch out the audience. It can’t be this narrow – we have to stretch out the point of view.