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  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun. Download This Image
  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.
  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.
  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.
  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.
  • Holly Duxbury Quote - Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

Tell me about the flowers that bloom in your mind when the earth sits between you and the sun.