When I wrote ‘When the Party’s Over,’ it had a universal quality.
FINNEASI am not a very superstitious person, but I do believe in mental preparation.
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To be honest, I’ve found so many more friends in the music industry than people I disagree with. I certainly haven’t been made to feel like an outsider.
If I have experienced something in my life, it’s probably going to be written about, and I don’t particularly care if the person I’m writing about wants to be written about.
There’s always a better word than a swear word.
As soon as you make anything that people like, you get all these new artists hitting you up like ‘I want to sound just like Billie Eilish.’ And I’m always like, ‘Absolutely not.’
We were a very crunchy, sort of hippie-dippy family.
I have always loved Ben Folds, he’s like an idol of mine, a hero of mine.
I mainly try to foster long-term collaborative relationships.
A lot of the time, in pop music especially, there’s reverb. And the reason is that reverb makes vocals sound better 99% of the time. It makes the notes ring out.
Well, predominately, if I’m writing for another artist, I’m sitting there with them and we’re writing it together.
People don’t come to see a Billie Eilish show to come to see me. They come to see her. So I just try not to screw up too much on my instruments.
I’m not a control freak in that like I boss everybody around, but like a control freak and like, I like knowing exactly what I get to do that day and having a say.
I always wanted to be on tour or making albums.
I am not a very superstitious person, but I do believe in mental preparation.
I feel like you’re able to be your most creative in private environments, and not a studio where an A&R person is coming in, telling us a song isn’t a smash.
I feel like a lot of music producers have, like, the same toolbox. And I think, like, to me, as a producer, like, I want something to set my stuff apart.