I always wanted to be on tour or making albums.
FINNEASWell, predominately, if I’m writing for another artist, I’m sitting there with them and we’re writing it together.
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I feel like a lot of music producers have, like, the same toolbox. And I think, like, to me, as a producer, like, I want something to set my stuff apart.
You go to a truck stop and there are key chains with names on them, and there’s no Finneas. There’s no Billie. They’re little things, but as a kid, you just feel weirdly ostracized.
I love pop songs so much and I don’t put a ton of pressure on myself as a solo artist to always write the most commercial feeling thing, I just want to write things I would love to listen to.
We wrote and recorded the ‘Bond’ song on a tour bus in Texas.
The amount of times I’ve been told something by artists I’m working with, which I’m sure they haven’t told even their significant other or families, is shocking.
I have nothing against reverb.
Obviously I’m very grateful ‘Bad Guy’ is doing so well – it’s shocking and surprising and gratifying – but I do think it’s important to try to make the next song that people are gonna be excited about.
If I have experienced something in my life, it’s probably going to be written about, and I don’t particularly care if the person I’m writing about wants to be written about.
It’s important to recognize when a song remains important to you.
When I started, I felt that there was this incredible amount of doubt of my ability as a producer.
If you’re thinking about all the possibilities of your life, there are extreme negatives, which you hope don’t happen, and extreme positives, which you just aren’t willing to think about because you think you’ll jinx it.
It’s always important to be checking in with people you love.
When we are making a song for Billie I want it to resonate and speak the truth with her and want it to be a piece of fabric she can wear.
To me, as a producer, I always want something to set stuff apart.
What I really didn’t want to do is work with other people and have them go, ‘Oh, Finneas just does that sound for everybody.’ The Billie sound is only Billie – I’ll only do that for her.