There’s always a better word than a swear word.
FINNEASDefinitely for me and my sister, wherever we are the most comfortable is where the best music’s going to be made.
More Finneas Quotes
To be honest, I’ve found so many more friends in the music industry than people I disagree with. I certainly haven’t been made to feel like an outsider.
To me, as a producer, I always want something to set stuff apart.
I really value just being able to go out and grab a coffee or going to a movie and not have anyone recognize me.
The way that we tried to approach every piece of music is, if the song had a brain, it would be aware of its catalog.
I have always loved Ben Folds, he’s like an idol of mine, a hero of mine.
I think it’s really easy to be the altruistic hero of your own narrative and story.
I don’t really have any interest in recording at places that are institutionalized for recording.
Well, predominately, if I’m writing for another artist, I’m sitting there with them and we’re writing it together.
A lot of the time, in pop music especially, there’s reverb. And the reason is that reverb makes vocals sound better 99% of the time. It makes the notes ring out.
I feel like the thing that I’ve learned a lot is when you’re involved in something, you don’t always get to appreciate it for what it is as much. You’re focused on the details and how you can make it better. It’s kind of torture.
All the albums that I grew up listening to were produced by one person.
My dreams as a kid were so far below the Grammys, like, maybe selling out a show, or, like, seeing your album on a shelf in an Urban Outfitters… and the Grammys are so far above that. It’s very ridiculous.
We were a very crunchy, sort of hippie-dippy family.
As soon as you make anything that people like, you get all these new artists hitting you up like ‘I want to sound just like Billie Eilish.’ And I’m always like, ‘Absolutely not.’
I love pop songs so much and I don’t put a ton of pressure on myself as a solo artist to always write the most commercial feeling thing, I just want to write things I would love to listen to.