The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.
EPICTETUSImagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.
More Epictetus Quotes
All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain.
The people have a right to the truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In trying to please other people, we find ourselves misdirected toward what lies outside our sphere of influence. In doing so, we lose our hold on our lifes purpose.
The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows where he is going.
Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.
Books are the training weights of the mind.
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.
It is unrealistc to expect people to see you as you see yourself.
We all dread a bodily paralysis, and would make use of every contrivance to avoid it; but none of us is troubled about a paralysis of the soul.
Desire and happiness cannot live together.
It’s so simple really: If you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you start something, finish it.
Ruin and recovering are both from within.
Don’t live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature.
Know you not that a good man does nothing for appearance sake, but for the sake of having done right?
When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.