It takes more than just a good looking body. You’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it.
EPICTETUSHappiness and personal fulfillment are the natural consequences of doing the right thing.
More Epictetus Quotes
You become what you give your attention to. If you yourself don’t choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest.
I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.
All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain.
We should do everything both cautiously and confidently at the same time.
Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.
Imagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.
If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write.
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.
First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.
He who is not happy with little will never be happy with much.
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle.
Wisdom means understanding without any doubt that circumstances do not rise to meet our expectations. Events happen as they may. People behave as they will.
It is more necessary for the soul to be cured than the body; for it is better to die than to live badly.