Imagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.
EPICTETUSTo live a life of virtue, match up your thoughts, words, and deeds.
More Epictetus Quotes
I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
Don’t be concerned with other people’s impressions of you. They are dazzled and deluded by appearances. Stick with your purpose. This alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence.
You have been given your own work to do. Get to it right now, do your best at it, and don’t be concerned with who is watching you. Create your own merit.
In prosperity it is very easy to find a friend; but in adversity it is the most difficult of all things.
Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back. For your own will is always within your control.
When you are offended at any man’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger.
The best place to get help is from yourself.
We suffer not from the events in our lives but from our judgement about them.
It is unrealistc to expect people to see you as you see yourself.
Give me by all means the shorter and nobler life, instead of one that is longer but of less account!
Authentic happiness is always independent of external conditions.
If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it.
Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.
When we blather about trivial things, we ourselves become trivial, for our attention gets taken up with trivialities. You become what you give your attention to.