One clings to life although there is nothing to be called life; another clings to death although there is nothing to be called death. In reality, there is nothing to be born; consequently, there is nothing to perish.
BODHIDHARMAWhen mortals are alive, they worry about death. When they’re full, they worry about hunger. Theirs is the Great Uncertainty. But sages don’t consider the past. And they don’t worry about the future. Nor do they cling to the present. And from moment to moment they follow the Way.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
When we’re deluded there’s a world to escape. When we’re aware, there’s nothing to escape.
Regardless of what we do, our karma has no hold on us.
Many roads lead to the Path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.
The essence of the Way is detachment.
If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won’t see the Buddha.
The mind is always present. You just don’t see it.
Not engaging in ignorance is wisdom.
Worship means reverence and humility it means revering your real self and humbling delusions.
Neither gods nor men can foresee when an evil deed will bear its fruit.
To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings.
But this mind isn’t somewhere outside the material body of the four elements. Without this mind we can’t move. The body has no awareness. Like a plant or a stone, the body has no nature. So how does it move? It’s the mind that moves.
Our nature is the mind. And the mind is our nature.
Everything good and bad comes from your own mind. To find something beyond the mind is impossible.
Buddha means awareness, the awareness of body and mind that prevents evil from arising in either.
To enter by reason means to realize the essence through instruction and to believe that all living things share the same true nature, which isn’t apparent because it’s shrouded by sensation and delusion.