Still others commit all sorts of evil deeds, claiming karma doesn’t exist. They erroneously maintain that since everything is empty, committing evil isn’t wrong. Such persons fall into a hell of endless darkness with no hope of release. Those who are wise hold no such conception.
BODHIDHARMAThose who remain unmoved by the wind of joy silently follow the Path.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
But deluded people don’t realize that their own mind is the Buddha. They keep searching outside.
If we should be blessed by some great reward, such as fame or fortune, it’s the fruit of a seed planted by us in the past.
I never lost or fail, not yet conquered. If I fall seven times, I get up eight
Trying to find a buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space.
Don’t hate life and death or love life and death. Keep your every thought free of delusion, and in life you’ll witness the beginning of nirvana, and in death you’ll experience the assurance of no rebirth.
Whoever realizes that the six senses aren’t real, that the five aggregates are fictions, that no such things can be located anywhere in the body, understands the language of Buddhas.
The essence of the Way is detachment.
In order to see a fish you must watch the water
All the suffering and joy we experience depend on conditions.
Someone who seeks the Way doesn’t look beyond himself.
And as long as you’re subject to birth and death, you’ll never attain enlightenment.
Life and death are important. Don’t suffer them in vain.
The mind is the Buddha, and the Buddha is the mind.
You can’t know your real mind as long as you deceive yourself.
Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free, even of birth and death. You’ll transform everything.