Donald Trump so far is sending a signal that he’s going to run the government like his business and maybe that’s going to work. It’s a new approach but there’s no doubt that he wants to run this as one continuing negotiation.
BILL O'REILLYOregon is outflanking California as the most left wing state in the union.
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I like Barack Obama as a person and I think he is a sincere man. I think he and his wife conducted themselves magnificently in the White House. There’s not a better role model for American kids to watch Barack and Michelle Obama, so all of that is off-the-chart positive.
As a former high school teacher and a student in a class of 60 urchins at St. Brigid’s grammar school.
I just think Barack [Obama], he doesn’t dig being asked at all. He’s got a bit of an imperious nature about him. I guess nobody has told him that nobody reads newspapers anymore. That is a dying art form.
I think the secret to success is a short-term outlook. So for example, I’m writing the next Killing book now and I have to just make every chapter compelling, so I can’t get too far ahead of it. I just stay in the present and then go over what I have to do.
How we choose to combat that challenge is often life-defining. You can face difficulties head-on, or run from them, or ignore them until they consume you. But no one escapes conflict. No one.
Now everybody’s paying higher premiums and more deductibles that’s coming out of working people’s pockets and that’s one of the reasons that his legacy has been refuted.
Many children fully realize their parents see them as astonishing creatures and incorporate that into their daily presentations. That is, they throw their stuff on the floor because if you are truly amazing you can pretty much do what you want. Right?
There isn’t any reason to dislike people with whom you disagree. I have lots of friends who don’t agree with me.
I’ve done more for the 9/11 families, by their own admission, I’ve done more for them than you will ever hope to do so you keep your mouth shut.
I shouldn’t have called out Will Ferrell, but I am getting a little fed up with these people.You want to support Bernie Sanders, knock yourself out. Does he know what Bernie stands for? Does he know what Bernie wants? And I submit to you, he doesn’t.
I think the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals abused its power all day long.
Many conservatives were openly angry with the Bush administration over enormous government spending and the chaos in Iraq. I don’t see as much independent thinking on the left, where President Obama is rarely criticized by his acolytes.
So every predator in the world is gonna pick that up at two in the morning. She’s walking by herself on the West Side Highway, and she gets picked up by a thug. All right. Now she’s out of her mind, drunk.
Money has not changed me. I am living proof. I’m worse than I was, all right, when I was poor. I don’t care about money. Money – you can’t buy me. And I don’t care about it.
Now Moore, Jennifer Moore, 18, on her way to college. She was 5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go.